The lake effect occurs when a ___ air mass moves over a ___ body of water.
Answer: cP; wa...
Lake-effect snows are best developed around the Great Lakes during:
Lake-effect snows are best developed around the Great Lakes during:
Answer: late fall and early winter when cold, dry polar air moves over the...
Cumuliform cloud development would be most likely in which of the following
Cumuliform cloud development would be most likely in which of the following
Answer: cP air mass moving over warm wat...
Clear sunny days with very cold nights would be associated with what type of air mass?
Clear sunny days with very cold nights would be associated with what type of air mass?
Answer: ...
Record breaking low temperatures are associated with which air mass?
Record breaking low temperatures are associated with which air mass?
Answer: ...
What type of air mass would be responsible for refreshing cool, dry breezes after a long summer hot spell in the Central Plains?
What type of air mass would be responsible for refreshing cool, dry breezes after a long summer hot spell in the Central Plains?
Answer: ...
The coldest of all air masses is
The coldest of all air masses is
Answer: ...
Which air mass would show the most dramatic change in both temperature and moisture content as it moves over a large body of very warm water?
Which air mass would show the most dramatic change in both temperature and moisture content as it moves over a large body of very warm water?
Answer: Continental...
When cP air moves into western Washington, western Oregon, and California from the east, the air mass is warmer at the surface than it was originally because:
When cP air moves into western Washington, western Oregon, and California from the east, the air mass is warmer at the surface than it was originally...
A Texas norther (or blue norther) is most often associated with which air mass?
A Texas norther (or blue norther) is most often associated with which air mass?
Answer: ...
One would expect a cP air mass to be:
One would expect a cP air mass to be:
Answer: cold and d...
An air mass is characterized by similar properties of ___ and ___ in any horizontal direction.
An air mass is characterized by similar properties of ___ and ___ in any horizontal direction.
Answer: temperature; moistu...
The greatest contrast in both temperature and moisture will occur along the boundary separating which air masses?
The greatest contrast in both temperature and moisture will occur along the boundary separating which air masses?
Answer: mT and ...
A moist, tropical air mass that is warmer than the surface over which it is moving would be classified
A moist, tropical air mass that is warmer than the surface over which it is moving would be classified
Answer: ...
Compared to an mP air mass, mT air is
Compared to an mP air mass, mT air is
Answer: warmer and moist...
In an exceptionally cold winter during which the Great Lakes were entirely covered by ice, lake effect snows would be expected in extremely high frequency and intensity.
In an exceptionally cold winter during which the Great Lakes were entirely covered by ice, lake effect snows would be expected in extremely high frequency...
The temperature that unsaturated air would have if it moved from its original altitude to a pressure of 1,000 mb is the:
The temperature that unsaturated air would have if it moved from its original altitude to a pressure of 1,000 mb is the:
Answer: potential t...
Which of the following statements is most plausible?
Which of the following statements is most plausible?
Answer: In winter cA source regions have lower temperatures than cP source regio...
Continental polar (cP) and continental Arctic (cA) air masses
Continental polar (cP) and continental Arctic (cA) air masses
Answer: originate over the ice- and snow-covered regions of the arctic, northern...
The origin of cP and cA air masses that enter the United States is
The origin of cP and cA air masses that enter the United States is
Answer: Northern Canada and Alas...
A good source region for an air mass would be:
A good source region for an air mass would be:
Answer: generally flat areas of uniform composition with light surface win...
During the positive phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation,
During the positive phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation,
Answer: an increased pressure gradient exists across the North Atlantic Ocean, the...
The ultimate cause of jet streams is:
The ultimate cause of jet streams is:
Answer: the energy imbalance between high and low latitude...
A jet stream transfers more heat across the globe when it is:
A jet stream transfers more heat across the globe when it is:
Answer: meridion...
Jet streams sometimes split into two branches.
Jet streams sometimes split into two branches.
Answer: tr...
Areas of rising air tend to be associated with ___ precipitation.
Areas of rising air tend to be associated with ___ precipitation.
Answer: abunda...
The southern hemisphere has ___semi-permanent lows than the northern hemisphere.
The southern hemisphere has ___semi-permanent lows than the northern hemisphere.
Answer: few...
During some years, the northern hemisphere has more than 10 semi-permanent highs and lows.
During some years, the northern hemisphere has more than 10 semi-permanent highs and lows.
Answer: fal...
Satellites provide a global picture of winds by converting ____ into wind speed and direction.
Satellites provide a global picture of winds by converting ____ into wind speed and direction.
Answer: sea roughne...
The scatterometer measures winds by sending and receiving pulses of
The scatterometer measures winds by sending and receiving pulses of
Answer: microwave ener...
Because clouds often block their view, instruments onboard satellite cannot regularly make observations of surface winds.
Because clouds often block their view, instruments onboard satellite cannot regularly make observations of surface winds.
Answer: fal...
If the earth's surface was homogeneous (either all land or all water
If the earth's surface was homogeneous (either all land or all water
Answer: the semipermanent highs and lows wouldnt change in intensi...
The reversal of the positions of surface high and low pressure at opposite ends of the Pacific Ocean is called:
The reversal of the positions of surface high and low pressure at opposite ends of the Pacific Ocean is called:
Answer: the Southern Oscilla...
A condition where the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean turns cooler than normal is called:
A condition where the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean turns cooler than normal is called:
Answer: La Ni...
Upwelling occurs along the northern California coast because:
Upwelling occurs along the northern California coast because:
Answer: winds cause surface waters to move away from the coa...
At jet streak is a place where ___is (are) often found.
At jet streak is a place where ___is (are) often found.
Answer: clear air turbulence, strong vertical wind speed shear, very strong winds...
During a major El Niño event
During a major El Niño event
Answer: extensive ocean warming occurs over the tropical Pacif...
Upwelling is:
Upwelling is:
Answer: the rising of cold water from below
The Ekman Spiral describes:
The Ekman Spiral describes:
Answer: the turning of water with dep...
The turning of water with depth is known as:
The turning of water with depth is known as:
Answer: the Ekman Spir...
The two ocean currents, warm and cold, that produce fog off the coast of Newfoundland are the:
The two ocean currents, warm and cold, that produce fog off the coast of Newfoundland are the:
Answer: Gulf stream and Labrador curre...
The name given to the current of warm water that replaces cold surface water along the coast of Peru and Ecuador during December is:
The name given to the current of warm water that replaces cold surface water along the coast of Peru and Ecuador during December is:
Answer: El...
Major ocean currents that flow parallel to the coast of North America are
Major ocean currents that flow parallel to the coast of North America are
Answer: California, Gulf Stream, Labrad...
The cold water observed along the northern California coast in summer is due mainly to:
The cold water observed along the northern California coast in summer is due mainly to:
Answer: upwelli...
At any given time, only one jet stream can be found in the atmosphere.
At any given time, only one jet stream can be found in the atmosphere.
Answer: fal...
The Pacific Decadal Oscillation is similar to the El Niño/Southern Oscillation, except that it:
The Pacific Decadal Oscillation is similar to the El Niño/Southern Oscillation, except that it:
Answer: affects fish populatio...
In the Northern Hemisphere, ocean currents in the Atlantic and the Pacific move in a generally circular pattern. The direction of this motion is ___ in the Atlantic and ___ in the Pacific.
In the Northern Hemisphere, ocean currents in the Atlantic and the Pacific move in a generally circular pattern. The direction of this motion is ___...
Average winter temperatures in Great Britain and Norway would probably be much colder if it were not for the:
Average winter temperatures in Great Britain and Norway would probably be much colder if it were not for the:
Answer: North Atlantic Dri...
A phenomenon in the Atlantic Ocean, similar to the southern oscillation, is the
A phenomenon in the Atlantic Ocean, similar to the southern oscillation, is the
Answer: North Atlantic Oscillati...
Generally, on an upper-level (100 mb) chart in the Northern Hemisphere during July, we would expect to find the tropical easterly jet stream:
Generally, on an upper-level (100 mb) chart in the Northern Hemisphere during July, we would expect to find the tropical easterly jet stream:
Answer: south...
Which below is NOT correct about the stratospheric polar-night jet stream?
Which below is NOT correct about the stratospheric polar-night jet stream?
Answer: it is found near the tropopaus...
Factors that contribute to the formation of a low-level jet stream over the Central Plains of the United States are:
Factors that contribute to the formation of a low-level jet stream over the Central Plains of the United States are:
Answer: the sloping of the...
The low-level jet that forms over the Central Plains of the United States appears to be responsible for:
The low-level jet that forms over the Central Plains of the United States appears to be responsible for:
Answer: nighttime thunderstorm...
The average winds aloft are strongest in:
The average winds aloft are strongest in:
Answer: wint...
In the Northern Hemisphere, air found to the north of the polar front is cold, while air further south is
In the Northern Hemisphere, air found to the north of the polar front is cold, while air further south is
Answer: wa...
As an air parcel aloft moves northward from the equator, it moves closer to the earth's axis of rotation. Because of the conservation of angular momentum, the air parcel's motion should:
As an air parcel aloft moves northward from the equator, it moves closer to the earth's axis of rotation. Because of the conservation of angular momentum,...
The jet stream flows:
The jet stream flows:
Answer: in a wavy pattern from west to ea...
In the Northern Hemisphere, the polar jet stream is strongest when:
In the Northern Hemisphere, the polar jet stream is strongest when:
Answer: air north of the polar front is much colder than air south of the...
Which below does NOT describe the polar front jet stream
Which below does NOT describe the polar front jet stream
Answer: is normally found at a higher elevation than the subtropical j...
Which of the following does NOT describe the subtropical jet stream?
Which of the following does NOT describe the subtropical jet stream?
Answer: forms along the polar fro...
Many small-scale processes are ___ in General Circulation Models.
Many small-scale processes are ___ in General Circulation Models.
Answer: approximated and parameteriz...
A thermally direct cell is one that:
A thermally direct cell is one that:
Answer: is driven by energy from the s...
The large semi-permanent surface anticyclone that is normally positioned over the ocean, west of California, is called the:
The large semi-permanent surface anticyclone that is normally positioned over the ocean, west of California, is called the:
Answer: Pacific ...
The position of the Pacific high over the North Pacific Ocean shifts ___ in winter and ___ in summer.
The position of the Pacific high over the North Pacific Ocean shifts ___ in winter and ___ in summer.
Answer: southward; northwa...
Which of the following is not considered a semi-permanent high or low pressure area?
Which of the following is not considered a semi-permanent high or low pressure area?
Answer: Siberian hi...
The semi-permanent pressure systems associated with the polar front are called:
The semi-permanent pressure systems associated with the polar front are called:
Answer: subpolar lo...
On a surface weather map during the month of July, one would expect to find what type of pressure system over the desert southwest of the United States?
On a surface weather map during the month of July, one would expect to find what type of pressure system over the desert southwest of the United States?
Answer: thermal...
The world's deserts are found at 30° latitude because
The world's deserts are found at 30° latitude because
Answer: of the sinking air of the subtropical hig...
In terms of the three-cell general circulation model, the driest regions of the earth should be near:
In terms of the three-cell general circulation model, the driest regions of the earth should be near:
Answer: 30 degrees latitude and the polar...
In the general circulation of the atmosphere, one would find the region called the doldrums:
In the general circulation of the atmosphere, one would find the region called the doldrums:
Answer: at the equat...
On a weather map of the Northern Hemisphere, the trade winds would be observed:
On a weather map of the Northern Hemisphere, the trade winds would be observed:
Answer: south of the subtropical hig...
The majority of the United States lies within which wind belt
The majority of the United States lies within which wind belt
Answer: westerli...
On a weather map of the Northern Hemisphere, one would observe the westerlies
On a weather map of the Northern Hemisphere, one would observe the westerlies
Answer: between the subpolar lows and the subtropical hig...
The wind belt observed on the poleward side of the polar front is called the
The wind belt observed on the poleward side of the polar front is called the
Answer: polar easterli...
According to the three-cell general circulation model, at the equator we would not expect to find:
According to the three-cell general circulation model, at the equator we would not expect to find:
Answer: a ridge of high pressu...
Generally, along the polar front, one would not expect to observe:
Generally, along the polar front, one would not expect to observe:
Answer: sinking air alo...
At Barrow, Alaska (latitude 70°N), you would expect the prevailing wind to be
At Barrow, Alaska (latitude 70°N), you would expect the prevailing wind to be
Answer: easter...
In Honolulu, Hawaii (latitude 2°N), you would most likely experience winds blowing from the:
In Honolulu, Hawaii (latitude 2°N), you would most likely experience winds blowing from the:
Answer: northea...
In terms of the three-cell model of the general circulation, areas of surface low pressure should be found at:
In terms of the three-cell model of the general circulation, areas of surface low pressure should be found at:
Answer: the equator and 60 degree...
The intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) is a region where:
The intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) is a region where:
Answer: northeast trades meet the southeast trad...
Chicago, Illinois (latitude 42°N) is located in the
Chicago, Illinois (latitude 42°N) is located in the
Answer: westerli...
Air moving eastward more slowly than the earth rotates, would appear to be ___ wind to an observer on the earth.
Air moving eastward more slowly than the earth rotates, would appear to be ___ wind to an observer on the earth.
Answer: an ea...
The large thermally driven convection cell that is driven by convective "hot" towers along the equator is the
The large thermally driven convection cell that is driven by convective "hot" towers along the equator is the
Answer: Hadley ce...
Which below is NOT an assumption of the single-cell model of the general circulation of the atmosphere?
Which below is NOT an assumption of the single-cell model of the general circulation of the atmosphere?
Answer: the earth rotates once in 24...
A westerly wind means that the atmosphere:
A westerly wind means that the atmosphere:
Answer: is moving faster than the earth spi...
A seiche can be caused by:
A seiche can be caused by:
Answer: strong winds and sudden changes in atmospheric pressure or by earthquak...
The land/sea breeze, lake breeze, and mountain/valley breeze are examples of:
The land/sea breeze, lake breeze, and mountain/valley breeze are examples of:
Answer: local win...
If the wind speed doubles, the force exerted by the wind increases by a factor of
If the wind speed doubles, the force exerted by the wind increases by a factor of
Answer: ...
Strong winds blowing over vegetation results in:
Strong winds blowing over vegetation results in:
Answer: brush fir...
Good hang-gliding conditions require:
Good hang-gliding conditions require:
Answer: strong win...
Which of the following is a serious hazard to aircraft
Which of the following is a serious hazard to aircraft
Answer: clear-air turbulen...
A sea breeze is most likely to develop along a coastline when
A sea breeze is most likely to develop along a coastline when
Answer: large temperature differences exist between land and wat...
A northeaster along the east coast of the United States is best developed when a low pressure area:
A northeaster along the east coast of the United States is best developed when a low pressure area:
Answer: enhances the surrounding pressure...
A dust or sandstorm that forms along the leading edge of a thunderstorm is a
A dust or sandstorm that forms along the leading edge of a thunderstorm is a
Answer: habo...
Another name for a small, rotating whirlwind observed at the surface is:
Another name for a small, rotating whirlwind observed at the surface is:
Answer: dust dev...
Which of the following conditions favor the development of dust devils
Which of the following conditions favor the development of dust devils
Answer: hot, dry da...
A warm, dry gusty wind that blows across North Africa is the:
A warm, dry gusty wind that blows across North Africa is the:
Answer: les...
Strong Santa Ana winds develop in Los Angeles during the fall when a ___pressure center forms to the
Strong Santa Ana winds develop in Los Angeles during the fall when a ___pressure center forms to the
Answer: high; northeast of Los Angeles over...
The Santa Ana wind is a ___ wind that blows into southern California.
The Santa Ana wind is a ___ wind that blows into southern California.
Answer: warm, d...
Santa Ana winds warm by ___ as the flow down an elevated desert plateau.
Santa Ana winds warm by ___ as the flow down an elevated desert plateau.
Answer: compressi...
The main reason Santa Ana winds are warm is because:
The main reason Santa Ana winds are warm is because:
Answer: sinking air warms by compressio...
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